Philosophy, Vision, Missions and Objectives


“Just as an individual prospers in life through moral conduct, so does an organization through its ethical practices.”


Developing Thai People to Become Global Citizens


The missions of DSIL are to develop students with the following properties:

  1. Proactive Learners
  2. Self-Discipline
  3. Altruism
  4. Social and Environmental Responsibility


The objectives of DSIL are:

  1. to develop a new approach to the child learning process of Thailand in accordance with the National Education Act B.E.2542,
    • by applying Professor Seymour Papert’s learning methodology of Learner Centered Learning called Constructionism
    • by applying Dr. Peter Senge’s Learning Organization culture
    • by applying Buddhist Principles especially mindfulness practices
  2. to become an educational prototype school for the new global citizen without any unnecessary constraints that might be imposed by the traditional curriculum,
  3. to become a teacher training and learning center for a new breed of modern teachers,
  4. to be a foundation for the Learning Institute of KMUTT,
  5. to become a training center for personnel from the industrial sector emphasizing on learning “how to learn” for the productivity improvement and to develop change agents for industry in order to change their existing organization culture towards a learning organization.